TITLE: "The Unforeseen Embrace - The Ring the American Version"
DETAILS: Mixed medium: ink, gouache, and watercolor paint.
Produced on Reeves Coldpress paper at 90lb and pre-stretched.
DETAILS: Mixed medium: ink, gouache, and watercolor paint.
Produced on Reeves Coldpress paper at 90lb and pre-stretched.
Size: 26"x38"
PROJECT: THE WWA Art Gallery in Culver City, invited me to participate in their annual Horrorwood Group Show.
Horrorwood is a show curated based off of classic Horror films.
I wanted to talk a little bit about my process. It begins with a concept that best fits the theme. Once I have the direction of the composition and subject matter, I create a final transfer sketch. This is the time where you should feel free to "flow" let creative mistakes become apart of the final.
When your line work is tighten up (almost like a road map) your ready to transfer. I typically work on paper products so using a light table is the way I transfer my images.
Use reference photos, they're your best friend. I have a ton of photos on my computer of myself and of friends who have modeled for me. Understanding light, form and color only make images stronger. It's extra work but totally worth it.
If you have seen the movie "The Ring" the American version you know the climax scene is extremely green.
A lot of the undertone painting is yellow and green. At one point my painting was looking like the jolly green giant.
I had to cool it down with some purple.
I find it successful painting my lights first and darks last. Be conscious when adding your darks. Remember the rule about baking a cake and adding to much liquid? The same principle applies here. You can always build darks but it's difficult to remove dark colors.
A great alternative to painting on top of heavily darken watercolored areas are using a x-acto blade to scratch the paper. If your paper is white the light paper will shine through.
In my painting I used gouache to highlight some darken areas on"Samara" (the long haired girl.)
Note on using gouache. If you have ever painted with oils, gouache is very similar. It typically will pick up the colors you have placed underneath even if the paint is already dry. Again try to paint light to dark.
Horrorwood is a show curated based off of classic Horror films.
When your line work is tighten up (almost like a road map) your ready to transfer. I typically work on paper products so using a light table is the way I transfer my images.
Original Sketch
Use reference photos, they're your best friend. I have a ton of photos on my computer of myself and of friends who have modeled for me. Understanding light, form and color only make images stronger. It's extra work but totally worth it.
If you have seen the movie "The Ring" the American version you know the climax scene is extremely green.
A lot of the undertone painting is yellow and green. At one point my painting was looking like the jolly green giant.
I had to cool it down with some purple.
I find it successful painting my lights first and darks last. Be conscious when adding your darks. Remember the rule about baking a cake and adding to much liquid? The same principle applies here. You can always build darks but it's difficult to remove dark colors.
A great alternative to painting on top of heavily darken watercolored areas are using a x-acto blade to scratch the paper. If your paper is white the light paper will shine through.
In my painting I used gouache to highlight some darken areas on"Samara" (the long haired girl.)
Note on using gouache. If you have ever painted with oils, gouache is very similar. It typically will pick up the colors you have placed underneath even if the paint is already dry. Again try to paint light to dark.
Under painting: With watercolors I work backwards painting my lights to darks

Raw Image, fresh off my painting board: I shipped the piece to LA from Oakland to be framed.

Raw Image, fresh off my painting board: I shipped the piece to LA from Oakland to be framed.

As an illustrator, it is in my nature to be a story teller. Participating in group shows you are surrounded by a community familiar with similar stories and backgrounds in pop culture. I find it gratifying adding small details that grabs the attention of a die hard fan or a curious spectator. In the American version of the ring, the mere sight of water signifies danger. I added small bolts leaking water from the paper, to imply "Samara" unlimited potential to travel between both land and water.