Photoshop is such a great tool to edit your work, so use it to your advantage. I learned a lot in this painting. Even though I was using the original photo and my sketch to outline the piece, doing the forgery was pretty difficult. I mostly experiemented with contrast, curves, levels, color balance, masks and textures.
In the fourth step my I had to change the nose because I describing the nose as having a flat plane. So I fixed it in the fifth step making it appear more rounded out. I had to also fix the eyes because I made the right eye appear more round than it was so I elongated the lid. The left eye was to low so I raised its placement.
We also discussed the importance of having a collection of stock textures to add to your paintings. Photoshop is such a great tool to edit your work, so use it to your advantage. I learned a lot in this painting. Even though I was using the original photo and my sketch to outline the piece, doing the forgery was pretty difficult. Since this study was a paint by numbers painting it gave me room to experiment with contrast, curves, levels, color balance, masks and textures.